Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Transformative Spirituality


Sentimental Spirituality, Transformative Wisdom

The Love Shack

Jan 21, 2012


An Interspiritual-Interfaith Work
of Arem Nahariim-Samadhi

All is welcome here...

La Maison dans les roses (C Monet  - W 1955)

*La Maison dans les roes (C Monet - W 1955), Photopoésie, Flickr

Living in Love beyond Beliefs

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One of the aims of my work is to integrate what has been called 'the secular' with what has been called 'the sacred' in such a fusion that the contrast implodes into realization that the differentiation between the two is an idea, and one the human race now needs to transcend. Some persons aren't ready for this, for they need some sense of security in the contrast - indeed, most persons in religion and spirituality ( two other mental constructs ) find they are doing something special and being something special by maintaining the illusory contrast. Many know that if the contrast doesn't remain, then much of what they have believed isn't true, at least not anymore for them, including their concept of God. But, if you're ready, and you see the contrast is an idea, a construct, that served a purpose but is ultimately only that - a construct -, then, you'll welcome the relief from the energy invested in living divided between two supposed realities, which are equally manifestations of the same Reality. Ultimately, there's no escape from the sacred, for there's no special place more sacred than any other. That's just what the guardians of sacral construct don't want you to know. If we know that, it takes the power from those who claim to be the chosen guardians of holiness. I mean, it levels the playing field, so to speak. What I'm saying is this dissolution is part of the whole dissolution of power manipulation and control that's part of hierarchies. Just imagine persons knowing they are as sacred, or as important, as the Pope, a guru, a great spiritual genius, the guy who has sold millions of books on spirituality topics, ... So, my approach of dissidence is to empower persons, to inspire them to be more than dependent spiritual children on others who claim you need them. Well, you can receive inspiration from them, but you don't need to remain dependent on anyone for the Truth within yourself. Certainly, for those who want to imbibe guru milk from the guru breasts - you know, all the spiritual experts-, I'm not here to nurse persons like that, for I know you don't need it, and I don't need to do that for anyone.


♥ ing

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*AREM .♥

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You never know when things might change for the better, if you just don't give up. ♥



The Sacred in Me bows to the Sacred in You

OM Shanti Shanti Shanti OM

©Arem Nahariim-Samadhi, 1.21.12. Arem can be contacted at 77ahavah77@gmail.com .


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Transformative Spirituality

©Brian Wilcox 2024